Restoring Cambridgeshire's
 Forty Foot River
Welches Dam and Horseway Lock


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Watch NB Straw Bear navigate the Forty Foot through Horseway Lock and Welches Dam back in 2006 before the waterway was unlawfully closed

Film courtesy of Sadie Heritage (formerly Dean) of Whittlesey
Sadie's late husband Fred Dean had spent his working life as a boatman on the waterways mostly around the Birmingham area and the couple continued to explore the canals in later years. Winter months were always spent on the Fenland waterways and Fred found the straight and flat aspect such an amazing change.
We are so grateful to Sadie for preserving this precious piece of film which shows one of the very last navigations of the Forty Foot - Horseway to Welches Dam before the Environment Agency unawfully sealed-off Welches Dam Lock later in 2006.